Yours is a small company, with just six employees. You make every effort to look after your people by complying with Employment Law. But surely your business is just too small to have to worry about details like risk assessments, procurement policy, data regulations, and waste disposal?
Well, when it comes to regulation, size doesn’t really matter
Because, if you’ve more than just five employees, you’ll need to get up to speed on all those business regulations. But the good news is that this needn’t be onerous, and isCompliant can help!
Environmental Management
Carrying out a risk assessment as a way of reviewing your environmental impact is a great starting point, because it’ll show many small businesses that they’ve less to worry about than anticipated. Think about how you use water, raw materials and energy, whether you create any pollution and emissions, and how you get rid of your waste.
isCompliant can help here, ensuring your business is compliant with ISO 14001, Environmental Management. The software can take you towards certification simply and methodically using the Environmental Controls module, alongside other supporting processes.
Health & Safety Management
Every company has a legal obligation to their employees to manage occupational health and safety. The safety management standard ISO 45001 creates formal processes that ensure that businesses risk assess all their activities with Health & Safety in mind.
To help you satisfy all these requirements as a small business, isCompliant has an easy to use Risk Assessment module. This enables you to risk assess your activities and monitor the mitigation actions you’ve put in place to reduce those risks. In addition, the Risk Assessments can be tied to Emergency Plans, Projects and Employees, ensuring that risks are communicated and controlled really well, alongside steering you towards ISO 45001 certification.
Procurement Policy
In order to tender for work from other companies, small businesses will often have to fill in pre-qualification questionnaires. These are invariably long and complicated, and drain resources for small companies trying to compete against bigger fish in the pond. But isCompliant can level the playing field, and cut down on much of this work. Take isCompliant’s Supplier module, for example. All documents can be uploaded against each supplier and notes can be added, as well as quality monitoring ratings to evaluate them. Alongside this, isCompliant helps SMEs work towards certification in ISO 9001 – Quality Management – which focuses particularly on the ‘control of externally provided processes, products and services.’ By making documentation more organised and accessible, as well as facilitating certification in ISO 9001, isCompliant offers small companies the chance to compete equally for lucrative tenders against larger rivals.
Data Protection
Even the smallest micro-business must comply with data protection law, in order to keep both employees’ and customers’ personal information secure, controlled, and appropriately stored. And this is one regulation that’s only going to become even more important – so get ahead now.
Complying with the GDPR and securing certification in ISO 27001 Information Security Management assures your clients, customers and staff that you’re a company that puts their data security first. And the good news is that isCompliant can help put this crucial standard easily within reach of even the smallest business. Each module of isCompliant’s integrated software embeds data security throughout each of your business processes, incrementally leading you towards satisfying the criteria for certification in ISO 27001 – as you simply go about your business day to day.
isCompliant can take care of your legal requirements
So, it’s clear that keeping up with legislation is not easy. Quality, Health and Safety, Legal and Environmental Regulations are constantly changing. How do you keep everyone up to date? And which ones apply to your business?
In tandem with the specific modules above, our newly updated Obligations module helps you compile the correct legislation for all areas of your business. It allows you to import audit checklists. It categorises files and documents, connecting everything together. So that everyone knows what you are working to.
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